Welcome to KamamaCreations.com
Belinda Huemer's web gallery
Kamama Creations features art by Belinda and Allen Huemer
Allen Huemer, b. 1944, enjoys painting, drawing, printmaking, and in particular, bronze sculpture. Allen has an A.A. in Fine Art, a B.A. in Archaeology, an M.A. in Political Science, and a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy. He acquired his Bachelor's through Doctoral degrees at the University of Hawaii, Manoa campus. He chose this location for his schooling because of his lifelong participation in the sport of surfing.
In 1977, Allen was adopted into the family of Oglala Lakota sun dance intercessor and healer, Peter S. Catches (Petaga Yuha Mani). Over the course of the next eighteen years, Petaga trained Allen in the conduct and participation of the sun dance, the purification lodge ('sweat' lodge), the pipe fast (crying for a 'vision'), medicine gathering, and singing at the lowanpi (night time healing ceremony). Presently, Allen has an initi (purification lodge) through which he does all of his spiritual work. Allen is in the process of completing a B.F.A. degree at the University of North Carolina at Asheville, where he is concentrating on sculpture.
Allen considers his art to be a very personal form of expression, and insists that he will only portray subjects which he has had direct experience of. In this he includes his political subjects, arguing that whether we acknowledge it or not all of us are participants in the political.
Kamama Creations is proud to sell Bronzes by Allen, and he is willing to discuss commissioned work. Belinda will make custom commissioned portraits of your favorite people or animal friends, and she will be happy to discuss other specially commissioned projects. Pricing on commissioned work is dependent upon terms agreed upon by the commissioner and the artist. All bronze piece orders are subject to payment of half-price (not refundable) upon ordering, and payment of the remaining balance upon receipt of the work. Payment must be made by cashier's check. If you are ordering one of the three pieces which have already been molded by the foundry, please allow six to eight weeks for delivery, if you are ordering a piece for which a mold must be made, please add another four weeks to delivery time.
For more information email:
bhuemer@charter.net or ahuemer@rmisp.com
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